Friday 28 March 2014


Every Thursday is Skimpy night.  A young lady in a bikini or similar attire sells shooters for 2 hours.  Well all the gents like it a lot, except last night the skimpy was one of our regulars sister.  The surprise on his face when he walked in and saw her, he was none too impressed.

One of the singers from way back when entertained us, he was ok.

Mr K, one of the fellow barmen was sent home because he had all sorts of excuses not to work.  I don't understand the youth of today, jobs are very scarce, yet when they have one, they don't want to work.

I started working straight out of school and looked after every job I had as money doesn't grow on trees.

Anyway, that's their problem I suppose.

Amongst others Miss T and Miss Z were there, Miss Z was trying to get Miss T to go home as she had an important interview today (note to self - find out how it went).  Miss T got into one of her moods where she ignores Miss Z and and it doesn't matter what Miss Z does she is just wrong.  Well, happy to say that Miss T's mood lightened.  (Love these girls).

Got home at 4:35am, up again at 6:30am to take Miss S to work.

Had a hiccupping car all the way to the garage as we were out of petrol, was quite funny actually.

Got back to do stock take, which went well.

Ok to the more interesting stuff ................. GIMP is going to be the death of me, I can see it.  I watch the tutorial and everything makes sense, as soon as I must do it, nothing works.  Also cant seem to figure out how to load it on my notepad , aaaaaahhhhhh, pulling my hair out.

Now, the reason that I need GIMP so badly is to do the crafts I want so that I can post photos.

So, lets see what the rest of today brings.   (Plse, plse, plse let it work)

Thursday 27 March 2014


Hi All,
I worked on Tuesday night, nothing overly exciting to report.  Mr I sang, he sings there every Tuesday night.

He is very entertaining, takes songs and changes the words, very comical.

Quite a cute boy too, luv u to pieces Ivan. Mwah xxx

I always think of Bob Dylan's song - Piano Man - when we have a night like that, where the words go ".....and the usual crowd shuffles in......".  We were busier than usual for a Tuesday night as it was pay day for a lot of people.

Lady V and Sir J were there for a while.  Sir J goes fishing every Tuesday, if it doesnt rain, lets them go again, the point of that is?  Anyway he enjoys himself.

Miss S was feeling down, so I convinced her to stay, she ended up having a good time and feeling better, although not such a good idea when you have to get up and go to work the next morning.

I spent all day yesterday watching Gimp tutorials, this is a result of Mr J telling me that Gimp is a free Photoshop type program.  It took me 2 days of reading the manual to still not knowing how to do the things I want to do, only for Mr J to tell me that my classroom for Gimp is Youtube.  (I am a little technologically challenged, but as least not as much as Big G ............ he won't even touch the computer ha ha ha)


Ever since I was a little girl (which was a veerrry long time ago), I have wanted a House Shop.

A typical white picket fence house with lots of rooms.

I want to do up each room and people can shop in each room.

So, if anyone has an old house or barn, preferably on a small holding, farm or plot, near a fairly busy road, that they are not using, I'll use it with pleasure.

This is what you call serious wishful thinking.

Tuesday 25 March 2014


Morning Everyone (12.41am SA)
Yes I have just got home and warmed up my curry and rice which I bought at 5.30pm for dinner. (Gunner is staring the food right out of my mouth, a person would swear he NEVER gets fed, really?)

What I didnt say in the last post was that I work in a Pub and Grill, we are open 6 days and nights a week, Monday to Saturday, from 10am to 4am.  Day shift works 10am to 6pm and night shift works 6pm to 4am (or later if Sir J and Lady V - the owners - are there), but that is a story for another night.

In general I don't work on a Monday night as Sir J says it isn't safe for a lady to be on her own and lock up on her own, but tonight was an exception.

I did however have company tonight, when I got to work there were a couple of regulars, who don't stay late, they meandered off not too long after.

Big G arrived, as this is about the only time he sees me and we can talk, believe it or not.  Mr J and his wife Mrs T arrived to meet him............ so they were there for a while.  Big G never stays late though.

The indoor cricketers, Mr C, Mr Jo and Mr A, very sweet boys, came in for 2 beers.  The 3 of them are going to be moving out of their parents homes and in together.  This discussion was quite amusing for me as Miss S has done this too, but is back home with mommy again.

Miss T and Miss Z were there when I got there, Miss Z's folks and brother with girlfriend were also there for a while.  Miss T & Miss Z were only going to have one drink, well say no more, they helped me lock up.
(Thank you girlfriends for looking out for me that I didn't have to lock up alone, luv u lots).

We had a very varied conversation, from stock losses (they have previously worked in a bar) to favourite pets alive and dead.  (Miss Z and her mom had pet squirrels, Miss Z's was so violent at a stage, it would remove the skin from your fingers,  eeeeeeek).

Ok, now Spacecat is patrolling under my legs, her favourite time is when I get home, she jumps onto the bed with me and cuddles. so her and Gunner are now saying "Bedtime plse Mom", any minute now you two, hang on.

Back to Miss T & Miss Z (Oh by the way, Big G phoned at 12pm to find out if I was still alive and ok), Miss Z's favourite shooter is Lupini, at one stage tonight a couple came in (they come fairly regulaly, don't know their names) and ordered Tequila.  Miss Z said she also wanted one.  I asked Miss T if she did, she promptly replied - no.  I then asked if she wanted a Lupini and she again promptly replied No as it made her nauseous,  I looked at her comically as this is what they always drink.  So after tonight their shooter is known as a Kotsini (for any non South Africans reading this blog Kots is the afrikaans word for Vomit).. Sorry for those who have weak stomachs.

Miss T also told me quite an amazing story tonight.  When she was born, her mom wrote a book (normal A4) of each day Miss T's life, which she still has.  I told her tonight to give it to me with photos of her and her mom at that time. I am going to do the outside covers for her as an altered Journal.  I think that will be quite nice.  Will post pics.

Ok, goodnight everyone, time to say hello to my bed.


Monday 24 March 2014


I have wanted to start a blog for a while now, but you know how it is, "I'll do it tomorrow........". Anyhow, came across Blogger this evening while googling dining room pics and thought, "Well, why not start now!".  So here I am.

I love crafts and decorating, but spend waaaaaay to much time on pinterest and many more looking and not getting anything done, and get so side tracked that I cant remember what I started looking for in the first place, oh well, joy.

A little bit about me:
I am mother to a beautiful daughter, she is my best friend in life and I love her to the end of the earth.  For the purposes of this blog she will be known as Miss S.  I live with the man in my life of 10 years, he is my technical side, as technical is not my forte (sorry, we can't be everything in life, although it is wishful thinking:(
) he will be known as Big G. Big G's mother lives with us, she is the bain of my life and this is the last we will mention her.

Big G and I have 3 Cats, all picked up somewhere and now live a very luxurious life, Tom, Friday and Spacecat which is the latest addition.
Ok, so will upload the photo of my boys later when the phone wants to let me.

We also have 2 dogs, Missie and Gunner, a whole bunch of birds, the most important one being the Macaw, Poncho.

I have a night job, which is quite taxing but also allows me the freedom to do my own thing during the day.

So, sort of in a nutshell that is me.

Fine, so I cant get all the headings and things to work yet, but I will, I will, I will..... this computer will not beat me.
